To make your model railway tunnels look more detailed and realistic, focus on texture, weathering and scenic...
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Stirling Single No.1 - 1938 Condition - DCC Ready
Peckett W4 0-4-0 'Lady Cornelia' No.33
LNER J36 Class 0-6-0 65235 'Gough' - Era 4
RailRoad Saunders Oil Co Ltd, Bagnall, 0-4-0DH, 'Florence' - Era 7
LNER, W1 Class 'Hush Hush' 4-6 -4, 10000 With Steam Generator - Era 3
Large Prairie 6153 BR Black Early Crest
Large Prairie 5132 GWR Green GWR
HR 'Jones Goods' 4-6-0 - BR Lined Black - DCC Ready
HR 'Jones Goods' 4-6-0 - HR Drummond Green (1900s condition) - DCC Ready
HR 'Jones Goods' 4-6-0 - HR Yellow (1960s condition) - DCC Ready
HR 'Jones Goods' 4-6-0 - HR Jones Green (1890s condition) - DCC Ready
HR 'Jones Goods' 4-6-0 - LMS Unlined Black (Early) - DCC Ready
HR 'Jones Goods' 4-6-0 - LMS Lined Black - DCC Ready
HR 'Jones Goods' 4-6-0 - LMS Unlined Black (Late) - DCC Ready
Crawshay Brothers, Peckett W4 Class, 0-4-0ST, no. 490/1890 - Era 2
PO Earl of Dudley's Round Oak Works Peckett W4 Class (Open Back Cab) 0-4-0ST 'Lady Edith' - Era 2
LNER Y7 - No.68089 British Railways Livery - DCC Ready
LNER Y7 - No.6 NCB - DCC Ready
LNER Y7 - No.1302 LNER Livery - DCC Ready
LNER Y7 - No.986 LNER Livery - DCC Ready
LNER Y7 - No.1800 NE Wartime Livery - DCC Ready
LNER Y7 - No.129 Darlington Works Livery - DCC Ready
NER H Class - No.1303 NER Lined Black - DCC Ready
NER H Class - No.1310 NER Simplified Saxony Green Livery (as preserved) - DCC Ready
NER H Class - No.24, NER Saxony Green Livery (1888) - DCC Ready
LMS Fowler 3F (Jinty) 16564 LMS Black
7800 Class Cockington Manor 7806 GW Green GWR
LMS Fowler 3F (Jinty) 47406 BR Black (Early Emblem)
BR (Late), Lord Nelson Class, 4-6-0, 30855 'Robert Blake' - Era 5
RailRoad LNER, Class J83, 0-6-0T, 8474 - Era 3
GWR 94XX Pannier Tank 9481 BR Black (Early Emblem)
Class 03 D2099 BR Green (Wasp Stripes)
L44 London Transport Livery - DCC Ready
L48 London Transport Livery - DCC Ready
Metropolitan Railway No.1 - 1999-2009 condition - DCC Ready
Metropolitan Railway No.1 - 2013-2020 condition - DCC Ready
LS WR Adams O2 2 05 LSWR Urie Green
LS WR Adams O2 3 0179 BR Lined Black
LS WR Adams O2 3 0199 BR Lined Black
Hawthorn Leslie 040 Yellow Chevrons NES 13
Hawthorn Leslie 040 Green `Spider' Black Park Colliery
BR, A3 Class, 'Flying Scotsman' With Steam Generator, Diecast Footplate & Flickering Firebox - Era 4
LSWR Adams O2 W26 Whitwell SR Isle of Wight
LSWR Adams O2 SR W25 Isle of Wight
United Glass Bottle Manufacturing Ltd, Pug, 0-4-0, No. 19 'Prince' - Era 3
LMS, Stanier 5MT 'Black 5', 4-6- 0, 5200 - Era 3
RailRoad LNER, A4 Class, 4-6-2, 4468 ‘Mallard’ - Era 3 TTS fitted
L&MR No. 58, 'Tiger' - Era 1 DCC Ready Next 18 pin socket