To make your model railway tunnels look more detailed and realistic, focus on texture, weathering and scenic...
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Bachmann and Graham Farish Europe Model Railway Combined Volume 2024
Your Guide to N Gauge Railway Modelling This great new publication is the perfect introduction to N gauge modelling as well as being a useful resource for existing modellers. It promotes the benefits of 2mm scale, and helps answer some of the concerns a modeller may have prior to taking on a project.
Your Guide To Narrow Gauge Railways In full colour, with 120 pages, this is a new addition to the growing "PECO Modellers' Library" range of books.
Book "Shows You How" - No 18 - Railway Modelling Outdoors In The Smaller Scales
Narrow Gauge and Industrial no100 The Review reaches a huge milestone this week by moving into treble figures! The aniversary is marked with a full-colour 100-page bumper issue
Your Guide to Railway Modelling & Layout Construction Super-A4 size 124-page guide to building a model railway, ideal for first-time modellers!
Book "Shows You How" - No 16 - Creating the Backscene
Book "Shows You How" - No 15 - Adding the Background
Book "Shows You How" - No 12 - Modelling Water The Peco 'Shows You How' series of booklets give practical, clearly laid out information and instruction on a wide range of model railway topics. Whether it be in the sea, a canal, river or tiny stream, water and its effects appear everywhere in the landscape, and this booklet shows how to model it...
Book "Shows You How" - No 17 - Introducing DCC
Track Plans for various locations
60 plans for small locations
N gauge track plans Includes 33 layout plans.
Book "Shows You How" - No 20 - DCC Decoder Installation
Book "Shows You How" - No 2 - Building Baseboards The Peco 'Shows You How' series of booklets give practical, clearly laid out information and instruction on a wide range of model railway topics. This booklet looks at the different types of baseboard construction, and how to build a firm, reliable baseboard for your layout illustrated by helpful...
Book "Shows You How" - No 3 - Laying the Track
Book "Shows You How" - No 7 - Making A Start In N gauge
Book "Shows You How" - No 23 - Signalling the Layout Part 2
Book "Shows You How" - No 22 - Signalling the Layout Part1 - Semaphore The Peco 'Shows You How' series of booklets give practical, clearly laid out information and instruction on a wide range of model railway topics. This booklet looks at the methodology behind semaphore signalling, and gives practical advice on the placing and operation of signals.
Book "Shows You How" - No 14 - Detailing the Landscape
Book "Shows You How" - No 13 - Modelling the Landscape The Peco 'Shows You How' series of booklets give practical, clearly laid out information and instruction on a wide range of model railway topics. Providing a convincing landscape for your layout will provide an authentic setting for your trains; this booklet looks at the principles behind putting...
Book "Shows You How" - No 21 - Wiring the Layout Part 3 – Turnouts and Crossings This booklet gives easy to follow instructions and diagrams on the wiring relating to Electrofrog turnouts, including 3 way turnouts, long crossings and single and double slips. For more information on layout wiring, see our booklets Wiring the Layout Part 1 (No 4) and Part...
Book "Shows You How" - No 5 - Wiring the Layout - Part 2: Advanced This booklet is a companion to our booklet Wiring the Layout Part 1 (No 4), and takes the exploration of basic wiring techniques on to look at more advanced electrical projects. See also booklet Wiring the Layout Part 3 (No 21)
Book "Shows You How" - No 4 - Wiring the Layout - Part 1: 1st Steps The Peco 'Shows You How' series of booklets give practical, clearly laid out information and instruction on a wide range of model railway topics. This booklet uses simple, clear diagrams to show the basic concepts of layout wiring, including an explanation of the difference between...
N gauge Langley Full Colour Catalogue (1/148th) Printed in colour.
Book "Shows You How" - No 1 - Layout Planning & Design