Burial Mound Hard Foam


Burial Mound Hard Foam

Ready-made structured Hard Foam model
13.5 cm x 9 cm, 3.5 cm high


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Burial Mound Hard Foam

Burial Mound Hard Foam

Burial Mound Hard Foam

Ready-made structured Hard Foam model
13.5 cm x 9 cm, 3.5 cm high



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Burial Mound Hard Foam

Ready-made structured Hard Foam model
13.5 cm x 9 cm, 3.5 cm high

The Burial Mound is an ancient, usually circular grave that originated in prehistoric or early historic times. Here, the dead were covered with sand, earth and stones. As a boundary, the mound was often surrounded by stones.
This artefact from ancient times gives your model layout a mystical and creepy flair.